
March 23, 2023

The Turning Point in My First Year of Business

Kevon Cheung

Founder & Head Teacher


What does it take to teach & EARN online?

Here's a case study of how I built a $100K education business.

Read for free

I started getting online in November 2020.

When I started, I was likely in your shoes. As in having no niche, no followers, and no friends in the industry. I just wrote some tweets and articles, trying to get people's attention.

My past experiences helped. I've got a lot of skills that are useful for this business. But, I'm also aware that a tiny bit of luck was in favor of me.

Since then, other than the first 6 months of exploration where I made $0 intentionally, things have been looking good.

My community asked me a key question

These days, many people ask:

"Kevon, what was the turning point in your early journey?"

Honestly, it was hard to say because there were so many little things adding up. But if you must force me to pick one, I'd say:

I started building products, free ones, super early!

Here's how my thinking goes: if I ask you "Who is that person you look up to?", I'm pretty sure it is someone you have a fantastic experience with their products.

If someone just tweets, writes newsletter or creates content, it is fairly hard (but not impossible) for them to be remarkable & memorable. And that means ... very hard to grow.

I understood this very early on.

When I had 400 Twitter followers, I decided to do my 1st product — writing the free Build in Public guide in public! By the time I finished the guide, I was at 700 followers.

Then I launched the guide. WOW - it jumped to 1,400 followers in 2 days.

Products are so much more impactful to your growth than standalone tweets and private messages. (Don't get me wrong, social media has its role)

The real growth engine

But that wasn't it. The real deal (real turning point) was the next free product I built: Making Twitter Friends.


Because the Build in Public guide was public on my website. I had no idea who read it. I had no way to connect with them. It was like creating an amazing window display and the pedestrians love it. Then what?

So for my 2nd product, I was clear how I wanted to position Making Twitter Friends. It had to do a few things for me:

  1. Word of mouth to happen. I didn't want to rely on screaming on social media every day → 1. make it a recommendable product
  2. Show up in people's inboxes → 2. get their emails
  3. Teach well & build trust → 3. create a communication channel

And that's how I made ...

The best decision to trigger growth in my 1st year of running this business.

I can now say I have a sizable audience, and honestly, I think most people get to know me because of this one tiny free email course called Making Twitter Friends.

From there, they discover all my other stuff over the years.

In 2 years time without any active marketing effort, 3,027 students came into my world!

Build assets that add value every day

Instead of the kiddy approach of "grabbing attention on social media", I felt like I was playing the adult game to draw people to me! That felt great.

This happened because I designed the course in a way that it becomes autopilot - people are spreading the course for me.

After having the outline sit in my Notion for 12 months, I finally decided I should create a new course, Email Course Engine, to share how I exactly did it with you.

So to recap my "best decision", you want to:

  • Build products. Not a mediocre lead magnet. An amazing free product can do A LOT for you
  • Create values in emails. It is the only place you can 100% reach them (well, if they open)
  • Don't just create content. Share & help → then stay in touch. 1 student > 1000 followers

When I look around my community, most of the successful creators do these 3 things very well.

Now, over to you.

Can you structure your content knowledge into a free email course that can bring in thousands of people to you passively?